So I was piddling around on etsy last night, lurking in the forums and generally getting into trouble, when I came across a phenonmenon that piqued my interest!
a shop on etsy - HelpTheGulfCoast - which is comprised of items donated by etsy sellers and 100% of the proceeds are donated to OxFam America and the National Wildlife Federation to help with the cleanup efforts after the BP Oil leak. So far these generous artists have helped raise an amazing $8,000!! BRAVO!
Just a couple of weeks ago, my coworker Roberta and I were discussing making necklaces from the holey rocks and shells she collected on the gulf coast last winter, and making them into necklaces to sell and donate the profits from. I should have known that I was not the first person to think of that. :) If HelpTheGulfCoast pushes the deadline of July 31st back a bit, we might be able to get our necklaces into their shop.
In the meantime, I have donated these two Vintage Button Necklaces to the HelpTheGulfCoast's etsy site.

They should be available for sale shortly!
I also took it upon myself to write to all of the local news sources for Madison, WI and let them know about this great story and great cause! So if you see it on the news it's CUZ I TOLD EM! :D I am hoping that this will generate some more publicity for HelpTheGulfCoast on etsy!