Friday, February 20, 2009

Fusing Plastic Bags

So I saw this video on youtube from the etsy how-to series!

I like how she says at the end "I gotta warn you, you're gonna mess up a lot!"

Well ain't that the truth!! I have yet to master this technique, but I'll admit, I gave up after only about 7 tries.

Can I get a heat setting?? I tried at first on the hottest setting, and ended up with a frighteningly-fast-shriveling effect. Down a few notches and kept on trying until I'd tried it all and I still end up with either an overly shriveled piece, or the layers are not sticking together.

I came to the conclusion that my problem is the bags I'm using. They must be too "good," and I can't find any cheaper crappier ones to test it out on.

My friend Margo got it to work and even was able to make a bag by fusing the edges together, too. I was planning on sewing on mine and making little zippy pouches kind of like the sample in the video. I need to ask her what the secret is.

Just wanted to share this and wish any of you who want to try this better luck than I had!!!

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